Hello everyone,
I have decided to start a new blog to concentrate all of my ramblings into one place, it is going to focus everything Warmachine and Hordes with a specific skew towards my beloved faction, Cryx.
A brief bit of background, I am 26 years old and based in Nottingham, UK. That puts my squarely 'behind enemy lines' as a handful of other WM&H players have told me in the past. I come from a background of wargaming with 'the other company' since I was about 13 or 14, I got quite good in that time and by the end of my 'career' I was attending regular GT's and doing fairly well consistently. I have 'officially' been playing Warmahordes for about 18 months now (since the drop of Age of Sigmar...but that's another story all together) but I have only 'realistically' got into the WM&H game properly within the last couple of months.
In total, I have probably played around 8 or 9 'max' sized games (50pts in Mk2 and 75pts in Mk3) and that includes 5 at a recent steamroller that I went to. So suffice to say, I am still very new to this. I went to the steamroller for 2 reasons; first, a bunch of friends were going and I wanted to tag along as a way to get myself more into the hobby and secondly, I have always liked to throw myself in at the deep end when learning new things. It is the same way I improved my skills at 40k and Fantasy back in the day, by getting my teeth kicked in by the best players around - you learn nothing from crushing newbs.
So that's me and my Warmahordes history so far.
When I picked up this hobby and started playing, I had to choose a faction. My friends that were already playing said "Go and read battle college" and "look on the PP website", so I did just that. None of the Hordes factions really struck me as interesting at first but a couple of the Warmachine ones did - Cryx and Khador. It was a close run contest but only for a short period as the more I read and the more models I looked at, Cryx just seemed so much more interesting and 'cooler'. Nothing against Khador, just personal preference.
So I went with Cryx, which immediately got me tarnished with the 'power gamer' brush. I knew nothing of the game, the meta, tournaments, power levels or anything, I picked Cryx because to me, they were the coolest looking faction. I managed to pick the 'best' and most infamous faction...great.
This was to be duly rectified though as cometh Mk3 and Cryx were toned right the way down. There can be no arguments here, Cryx went from so far ahead of the curve to falling of the back end of it. But I like that, it creates a new puzzle to unlock, no longer is it filled with negative connatations to play Cryx, no longer can a victory be hand waved as being "well you play Cryx so..." and no longer do we have to deal with dedicated Cryx drops at Steamrollers.
As this blog develops, we will talk a lot more about this and my thoughts on the faction as a whole and it's place in the meta so I won't go into it here.
This blog is going to be my hobby outlet, I am going to discuss lists, analyse units and caster, talk about potential synergies, discuss any news or rumours that pop up within the hobby, feedback from Steamrollers, get some guest interviews on, run through battle reports and generally ramble on.
I will always be happy to answer questions, discuss topics and post about suggested ideas so feel free to comment and post suggestions or anything really.
I will cut this one off here, this is just my welcome post, whatever happens next...who knows.
Thanks for reading all and I will see you on the next one.
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